Sunday, October 25, 2015


Arisaema heterophyllum
This is my main source of excitement in the garden at this time, my little Arisaemas are doing really well! I have never grown anything in the Araceae, except for houseplants (Philodendron, SpathiphyllumSyngonium, etc.), so this is fun for me. The seeds were easy to germinate, planted about a half-inch deep and covered with chicken grit in the beginning of September, I've kept the pot very moist (with a tbsp. of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water). The seeds first send down a radicle, then the hypocotyl (the embryonic stem) which supports the seed leaves, or cotyledons.

Scilla latifolia Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f...?
The seedlings of what I have received as Scilla latifolia (PBS SX3) are continuing on with a few more appearing now and then. I am wondering if the germination of this species is not very uniform, occurring over months? The leaf in the rear left has taken on a reddish hue, but they all seem to have some red undertones. I will keep this pot under lights through Winter while most of the pots that have yet to germinate will go out into a cold frame I am constructing.

Crocus goulimyi seedlings
An Autumn blooming crocus germinating for me now, I'm delighted! As per Ian Young's advice (from the SRGC Bulb Log, an excellent blog), I had sown the seeds deep in the pot halfway down. I filled the pot halfway with the soil mix, spread the seed, then filled the rest of the pot with more soil and topped with chicken grit. I've kept the pot moist since early September, and here are the results! Seeds often germinate around the same time the mature plants come into growth, telling me that the mature corms will leaf out about now and persist throughout Winter. We get little snow, that persists on the ground anyway, so this shouldn't be an issue. I count four leaves here, hopefully I'll get more.

Coreopsis tinctoria
 The annual tickseed that has self-seeded outside one of the driveway raised beds is continuing to flower, much to the agreeance of a variety of small flies (not shown). This one had a particularly interesting color pattern, most only have the red in the center. One of the few species to continue the floral display. It would seem that honeybees still have no interest in it, despite there being little else in bloom.

Calendula officinalis
I have been attempting different planting locations for the calendulas, spreading seed to various parts of the garden to see where they will flourish and naturalize. This was seed from a particularly attractive selection, but I don't know what the green growths in the center are a result of? They appear to be overgrown unopened buds. Strange.

Dolichovespula sp. (?)
Yellowjacket queens, and other social vespid queens, are leaving the nest and seeking Winter shelter. Like bumblebees, their colonies are annual and the newly mated queens are the only ones to live from one year to the next. They are generally pretty docile at this time, no nest to defend, and the cooler temperatures make it harder for them to move.

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